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Privacy Policy

Date of Last Revision: May 30, 2022

This website, whmis.ca, and its associated online learning platform (collectively referred to herein as “the Site”) is operated by We Know Training Inc. (“WKTI”).

WKTI respects the privacy of our users. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, “we,” “us,” and “our” means We Know Training Inc.and “you” and “your” means a user, customer or prospective customer of the Site or WKTI.

This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) describes our privacy practices concerning information collected in connection with the Site. A separate policy, available here, describes our practices in connection with the Terms of Service.

WKTI cares about its customers and appreciates that its customers care about how WKTI handles their personal information. Our goal is to make your online and mobile experience the very best we can. This goal includes keeping your information secure and collecting, using and disclosing your information only in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

WKTI will abide by this Privacy Policy and deal with all personal information responsibly, professionally, and respectfully. In the unusual circumstance that we fall short of these goals, WKTI will make every effort to address and resolve your concerns appropriately, in a fair and timely manner.

Children’s Privacy

Our service is not intended for individuals under the age of majority in your province of residence. We do not knowingly collect or solicit any information of individuals under the age of 13 on the Site. In the event that we learn that we have inadvertently collected personal information from children under the age of 13, we will delete that information as quickly as possible.

We recommend that persons over 13 but under 18 years of age ask their parents for permission before using the Site, or sending any information about themselves to anyone over the Internet.

Collection of Information

WKTI collects “personal information” and “pseudonymized information” about users. For purposes of this Policy, “pseudonymized information” is information that WKTI cannot directly associate with a specific person without the aid of additional information – an example of this is your gender, age or nationality. By contrast, “personal information” is information such as a name or email address that WKTI can directly associate with a specific person or entity without additional information. Your personal information includes, but is not limited to, your contact information, your government-issued photo id, biometric information, and/or webcam-captured images of you and your surroundings.

You can visit the Site without submitting any personal information. However, if you use certain features on the Site, such as the “Log In” feature, you will be required to provide personal information. Such information could include, for example, your name, email address, telephone number, postal address, company, job title, and/or industry. Our online contact form also contains a “message” field through which you may submit additional personal information.

We may combine personal information collected through the Site with other information that third parties or we collect about you in other contexts—such as our communications with you via email or phone or your customer service records. We will treat such combined information as personal information and protect it in accordance with this Policy.

When you use the Site, we automatically receive and record certain information from your computer (or another device) and your browser. This may include data such as your IP address and domain name, the pages you visit on the Site, the date and time of your visit, the files that you download, and the URLs from the websites you visit before and after navigating to the Site, your software and hardware attributes (including device IDs), your general geographic location (e.g., your city, state, or metropolitan region), and certain cookie information (see below). We may use web logs or applications that recognize your computer and gather information about its online activity to obtain such information.

We also may partner with certain third parties to collect, analyze, and use some of the personal and pseudonymized information described in this section. For example, we may allow third parties to set cookies or use web beacons on the Site or in email communications from Canadian Academy of Guard Training. This information may be used for various purposes, including online behavioural advertising, as discussed below.

We also may share your personal or pseudonymized information with other third parties when necessary to fulfill your requests for services, to complete a transaction that you initiate, or to meet the terms of any agreement that you have with our partners or us.

The Site integrates certain third-party plug-ins (such as a Facebook “like” button). Even if you do not click on these plug-ins, they may collect information about you, such as your IP address and the pages that you view. They also may set and/or access a cookie. These plugins are governed by the privacy policy of the company providing them.

We also may use or share your personal or pseudonymized information with third parties when we have reason to believe that doing so is necessary:

  • to comply with applicable law or court order, subpoena, or other legal processes.
  • to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, violations of our terms and conditions, or situations involving threats to our property or the property or physical safety of any person or a third party.
  • to establish, protect, or exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims; or
  • to facilitate the financing, securitization, insuring, sale, assignment, bankruptcy, or other disposals of all or part of our business or assets. Other than to the extent ordered by a bankruptcy or other court, the use and disclosure of all transferred personal information will be subject to this Policy or a new privacy policy if (i) you are given notice of that new privacy policy and (ii) to the extent that policy is materially different from this Policy, you affirmatively opt-in to accept it. Personal information submitted or collected after a transfer, however, will be subject to any new privacy policy adopted by the successor.
From time to time, WKTI may also share anonymized and aggregated information about Site users, such as by publishing a report on trends in the usage of the Site.

We imply your consent to collect, use and disclose your personal information for the reasonable and necessary requirements. If at any time, we wish to collect, use and/or disclose your personal information for any other purpose, we will notify you of that purpose and seek your consent to do so.

Please also note that, in some limited circumstances, we are permitted by law to collect, use and/or disclose your personal information without your consent, with or without notice to you.

We also use and disclose your personal information to our processing bank, including credit card and debit/account information as applicable, for the sole purpose of obtaining payment for the goods and/or services that we provide in accordance with your sales order. For greater clarity, credit card details are only used to transact an order at the time of purchase and are not stored on our servers.

We collect, use and disclose as little of your personal information as possible while still ensuring that we can fulfill our identified purposes. We share customers’ personal information subject to this Privacy Policy or follow practices at least as protective as those described in this Privacy Policy.

We never sell or trade your personal information to any person or organization outside of WKTI.

We otherwise collect, use and disclose your personal information as permitted and/or required by law.


WKTI will ensure that personal information used or disclosed by it will be sufficiently accurate, complete and up to date.

WKTI will keep personal information accurate and up to date based on information provided by you.

WKTI will record changes to personal information received from users within 10 working days.

When an individual disagrees with the accuracy of their personal information received from a formal request, the individual is entitled to request a correction. The request for correction must be in writing and addressed to the Chief Privacy Officer.

Cookies and Non-Identifying Information

Cookies are small files stored on your computer by your web browser. A cookie allows the Site to recognize whether you have visited before and may store user preferences and other information.

What kinds of cookies are used on the Site? WKTI uses both session cookies (which are automatically deleted from your computer when you close your browser session) and persistent cookies (which remain on your computer between sessions) in order to facilitate your ability to use the Site efficiently and effectively. Using our Site while your browser is set to accept cookies implies your consent to them.

If you are concerned about having cookies on your computer, you can set your browser to refuse all cookies or indicate when a cookie is being set, allowing you to decide whether to accept it. You can also delete cookies from your computer. However, if you choose to block or delete cookies, certain Site features may not be available or operate correctly.

Email Correspondence

If you opt-in to receive marketing communications from us, we also may use the personal and pseudonymized information that we collect to inform you of products, services and promotions that we believe may be of interest to you; however, we understand that you may not wish to receive such commercial electronic messages, in which case you may use the unsubscribe function included in each commercial electronic message we send. If you have received information via email that you do not wish to continue receiving, you may unsubscribe to be removed from our mailing lists.

Transmission and Storage

The security of your personal information is very important to us. If you transmit information to us electronically, all of your personal information is encrypted (or coded) through the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol. It is only decoded when it reaches our servers.


We have policies and procedures in place to ensure that your personal information, both in electronic and paper format, is kept safe and secure, and we impress upon our employees the importance of maintaining the highest standards of ethics and confidentiality.

WKTI will use reasonable, physical, electronic, and procedural security safeguards to protect your personal and pseudonymized information against loss, theft, disclosure, copying, unauthorized access, use, modification, or deletion. However, no security program is foolproof, and thus we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your personal or other information.

WKTI will protect personal information using physical, administrative, and technical safeguards appropriate to the information’s sensitivity.


WKTI will maintain reasonable and systematic controls, schedules and practices for information and records retention and destruction, which apply to personal information that is no longer necessary or relevant.


The personal information you provide to us is purged from our systems and records after a reasonable period of time following the expiration of any audit requirements and other obligations we might have to the course/exam provider and/or to public bodies.

How can you control your personal information?

You may contact us at any time (please see below) if you wish to access, verify or correct your personal information in our possession or if you wish to amend or withdraw your consent to our collection, use and disclosure of your personal information pursuant to this Privacy Policy or otherwise.

Please note that if you choose not to provide personal information to us, or if you choose not to consent to our collection, use and disclosure of your personal information according to this Privacy Policy, our ability to serve you, both now and in the future, maybe impeded. In that case, we will advise you of the repercussions necessarily flowing from your choice to empower you to make an informed decision.

What if we revise this Privacy Policy?

We reserve the right to revise this Privacy Policy periodically without notice, and any such revisions will be posted on our website. You may also obtain a paper copy of this Privacy Policy by contacting us (please see below). We encourage you to consult this Privacy Policy regularly in order to remain informed of any changes that may impact you and affect our collection, use and disclosure of your personal information.

Where can you contact us?

If, at any time, you have any queries about this Privacy Policy or any questions or concerns about the personal information that we hold, please contact us at:

  • We Know Training Inc.
  • 10110 104 Street NW, Suite 301
  • Edmonton, AB T5J 3N9
  • Attention: VP of Technology
  • Phone: 1-800-465-3366 (toll free)
  • Email: privacy@weknowtraining.ca

A request must be in writing, addressed to the Chief Privacy Officer, and must describe the personal information requested.

WKTI may require an applicant to give WKTI evidence of their identity so WKTI can ensure that the applicant has the right to access personal information, but WKTI will only use such information for the purpose of identification and authentication.

WKTI will respond to an access or correction request within 30 calendar days of receipt. Reasons will be provided when disclosure is not provided to a record or personal information, along with a description of how to request a review of the decision.

Our Chief Privacy Officer, or an appropriate delegate, will review your communication and, if necessary, respond to you directly.